I normally don't work with other companies' characters ... but over at The Atomic Think Tank they've started a "Project Redesign" thread with Spider-Man. So I had an idea that you'll see to your right. Kind of fun ... I may have to stat him out sometime and give him a full history OHotMU style.
I call him Spider-Man of Earth 2671. Points to those who know why that Earth is significant.
You are soooo giving me the rough draft arn't you, Hellfire?
that. is. so. cool.
your art is really good,
what did you use to colour it?
Very cool design.
You've got me scratching my head over 2671, though. I knew enough to find the Marvel Multiverse page on Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marvel_Comics_Multiverse) and search for it there, but didn't see it listed.
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