Starting today and every Friday, I'll be posting to a new blog called The Hit Parade. Being a big Star Wars fan and gamer, I decided to start posting characters to a fake bounty hunter blog in the Star Wars universe. Each post will have some illustrations and a PDF of the character in question. If you like to game and need a NPC, stop by and check it out!
Oh ... and I'll be blogging here more regularly as well .... planning a day every week to blog ... honest!
I'm All-In!
In other news, I started running some 4th edition Dungeons & Dragons for my kids and some of their friends. So far, we have a pretty well-rounded group and everyone's made characters (with the exception of a few that couldn't make the first session, but we'll catch them up soon). Next session, they go on their first adventure! May have to log a bit of adventure fun here, we'll see. That's all I've got for now ...
The Alpha Male

Alpha Male
Once a powerful hero in his own right, Alpha Male has since became a twisted perversion of the world "Hero". Mutated into a monster by some unknown force, he now roves the world as a force of destruction, with no path to his violence.
Height: 6'2", Weight: 227 lbs.
Hair: Silver, Eyes: Blue (one white)
Alpha Male (M&M)
PL 15
Concept: Hero Turned Twisted Abberation
Str 35/+12 Dex 16/+3 Con 30/+10 Int 12/+1
Wis 15/+2 Cha 13/+1
Saves: Tough +20 , Fort -, Ref +3, Will +2
Skills: Acrobatics 4 (+7), Intimidate 10 (+11), Notice 7 (+9), Search 7 (+8)
Feats: All-Out Attack, Blind-fight, Chokehold, Diehard, Distract, Fearless, Fearsome Presence 3, Improved Grab, Improved Grapple, Improved Initiative, Move-by Action, Power Attack, Takedown Attack
Powers: Additional Limbs (Tentacles) 2, (Innate, Split Attack), Elongation 3 (Linked to Additional Limbs [+0]), Flight 7 (1,000 MPH), Immunity (Life Support, Fortitude Effects) 39, Protection 10 (Impervious [+1]), Super-Strength 8, Super-Senses 6 (Danger Sense, Ultravision, X-Ray Vision)
Combat: Attack +10, Defense 20, Damage +12 (punch), Initiative +7
Attributes 61 + Skills 7 (28 ranks) + Feats 15 + Powers 102 + Combat 40 + Saves 0 = 225 pp
For Champions Stats, click Here.
Hope everyone has a safe and sweet Halloween. Well, at least all the GMs ... Muwahahahah!!
The Harvester v2.0
The Harvester
No one knows where it came from. It kills without mercy and is almost unstoppable. In the past, it seemed content on hunting teenagers and delinquents in the woods, but in more recent years, its taken to hunting in cities and going on killing sprees. The last time it was seen was Halloween of '07, it wandered into Freedom City and was barely stopped by the combined might of The Freedom League and the hero Foresight. But it's been "taken care of" in the past. Only time will tell when the Harvester will rise
again ...
Learning about The Harvester
Gather Information
DC 15
Last Halloween, there was something called The Harvester that attacked the Freedom League. DC 20
The working theory is that something summoned the creature and brought it to Freedom City. DC 25
After it was defeated, it was given a proper burial in hopes of letting it rest in peace.
The Harvester
PL 16
Abilities: Str 20/+5, Dex 14/+2, Con 20/+5, Int 10/+0, Wis 12/+1, Cha 15/+2
Combat: Attack +10, Defense +8, Initiative +2
Saves: Toughness +11/+5, Fortitude –, Reflexes +2, Will +7
Skills: Climb 2 (+12/+7), Intimidation 9 (+11), Notice 4 (+5), Search 4 (+4), Stealth 5 (+7),
Survival 4 (+5)
Feats: Attack Specialization (Soulreaver), Critical Strike, Diehard, Fearless, Fearsome Presence 5, Improved Critical (Soulreaver), Improved Grab, Improved Grapple, Instant Up, Power Attack, Rage 2, Startle, Takedown Attack, Track
Powers: Device (Judgement Scythe) 2 (Indestructible, Restricted 3), Device (Soul Reaver Sickle) 7 (Indestructible, Restricted 3), Enhanced Strength 10, Immoveable 5 (Unstoppable [+1]), Immunity 33 (Aging, Critical Hits, Fortitude Saves), Mind Shield 10, Protection 10 (Impervious 8 [+1]), Regeneration 28 (Bruised/Unconscious: no action, Injured/Staggered: 1 rnd, Disabled: 1 rnd, Resurrection: 1/rnd; Persistent, Regrowth; True Resurrection [+1]), Super-Sense 2 (Detect People), Super-Strength 4
Judgement: Strike 8 (Mighty), Elongation 1
Soulreaver: Strike 5 (Mighty), Drain (Wisdom) 12 (Slow Fade 10; Linked to Strike [+0])
Abilities 31 + Skills 7 (28 ranks) + Feats 19 + Powers 184 + Combat 36 + Saves 0 = 277
7th Son of a 7th Son: One of the players is a decendent of someone who wiped out the magicians. Now, in the present day, the Harvester has found this information and zeroed in on the character. How can his team mates stop an unstoppable killing machine?
Grudge Match: As a child, one of the character's NPCs was involved in an attack by The Harvester. Now an adult, the killer has come back to finish them off while with the hero's secret ID.
His Soul is MINE!: A magic wielding villain has bonded the little will that the Havester has to his control. Recently, the killer's been commiting odd crimes (bank robberies, museum raids, etc). How will the heroes counter the killer in time to find out who's really behind the thefts?
Reborn: Something has awakened the Harvester again. Once again invading the city proper, the creature begins stealing arcane artifacts. The PCs gather to battle it, but the creature only attacks if provoked. Who's behind the rebirth? And why do they want the artifacts?
Harvester is a creation of DT Butchino. M&M is owned by Green Ronin Games.
Spectacular Spider-Man!

I normally don't work with other companies' characters ... but over at The Atomic Think Tank they've started a "Project Redesign" thread with Spider-Man. So I had an idea that you'll see to your right. Kind of fun ... I may have to stat him out sometime and give him a full history OHotMU style.
I call him Spider-Man of Earth 2671. Points to those who know why that Earth is significant.
Jumping On the Bandwagon
Go Jonni Go
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